How to use Binary


There are actually two versions of binary which can be installed. One is provided as a rust binary directly. Second is a python script written on top of rust bindings. Both binaries should accept more or less same arguments.



Might require rust to be installed, for configurations for which there are no .whl files.

pip install streamson-python
From source

You need to have rust installed.

git clone
cd python-streamson
pip install .


You need to have rust installed.

cargo install streamson-bin
From source
git clone
cd streamson
cargo install --path streamson-bin/


To make it simpler sson binary (rust) is used in following examples. Pyhton script/binary streamson should work here as well.

Extract to separate files

Imagine a situation where we have following JSON structure in e.g. input.json:

	"users": [
		{"name": "carl", "uid": 1},
	"groups": [
		{"name": "admins", "gid": 1},
And we want to store both users and groups to separate files (users.json, groups.json).
cat input.json | sson trigger \
	-m 'simple.1:{"users"}'\
	-h file.1:users.json\
	-m 'simple.2:{"groups"}'\
	-h file.2:groups.json\
	> /dev/null

Analyse JSON structure

Image we have following JSON stored in e.g. input.json.

	"a": 10,
	"b": 50
	{"c": 3},
	{"c": 4},
	{"c": 5, "d": false},
	{"c": 6, "e": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]}

And we want to display some info regarding the JSON structure.

cat input.json | sson all -h a > /dev/null

And after the entire JSON is processed following lines should be printed to stderr.

JSON structure:
  <root>: 2
  []: 4
  []{"c"}: 4
  []{"d"}: 1
  []{"e"}: 1
  []{"e"}[]: 6
  {"a"}: 1
  {"b"}: 1

Remove/Add indentation

Imagine we have a JSON e.g. input.json.

		"uu": 4, "bb": [
1, 2, 3

And we want to convert it so it would be as small as possible
cat input.json | sson all -h d
Or we want to have it more readable
cat input.json | sson all -h d:2
  "uu": 4,
  "bb": [

Extract users to a stream

Imagine input JSON e.g. input.json

	"users": [
		{"id": 1, "name": "carl"},
		{"id": 2, "name": "bob"},
		{"id": 3, "name": "alice"}
And we want to extract stream of users to the stdout
cat input.json | sson extract -m 'simple:{"users"}[]'

Mask secrets

Imagine input JSON e.g. input.json

	"users": [
		{"id": 1, "name": "carl", "password": "1234"},
		{"id": 2, "name": "bob", "password": "admin"},
		{"id": 3, "name": "alice", "password": "root"}
And we want to mask all passwords.
cat input.json | sson convert -m 'simple:{"users"}[]{"password"}' -h 'r:"***"'
	"users": [
		{"id": 1, "name": "carl", "password": "***"},
		{"id": 2, "name": "bob", "password": "***"},
		{"id": 3, "name": "alice", "password": "***"}

Shorten description

Imagine input JSON e.g. input.json

	"users": [
		{"name": "carl", "bio": "too long text to read"},
		{"name": "bob", "bio": "another long text to read"},
		{"name": "alice", "bio": "even longer text to read"}
And we want have a shorter bio
cat input.json | sson convert -m 'simple:{"users"}[]{"bio"}' -h 's:5,..."'
    "users": [
        {"name": "carl", "bio": "too l..."},
        {"name": "bob", "bio": "anoth..."},
        {"name": "alice", "bio": "even ..."}

Remove fields to separate files

Imagine input JSON e.g. input.json

	"users": [
		{"id": 1, "name": "carl", "email": ""},
		{"id": 2, "name": "bob", "email": ""},
		{"id": 3, "name": "alice", "email": ""}
And we want to remove id and email and store it to separate files
cat input.json | sson filter \
	-m 'simple.1:{"users"}[]{"id"}'\
	-h file.1:ids.txt\
	-m 'simple.2:{"users"}[]{"email"}'\
	-h unstringify.2\
	-h file.2:emails.txt
	"users": [
		{ "name": "carl"},
		{ "name": "bob"},
		{ "name": "alice"}

ids.txt should contain:


emails.txt should contain: